Chapter 9 30-Day Readmittance


encounters <- read_csv("data/synthea//encounters.csv")
  1. Look at the description column in the encounters dataset. How many encounters were there for each unique value of DESCRIPTION
encounters %>%
    _____(_____) %>%
    _____(count = n()) %>%
  1. Look at the REASONDESCRIPTION column. How many encounters were there for each unique value of REASONDESCRIPTION.
encounters %>%
  _____(_____) %>%
  _____(count = n()) %>%
encounters %>%
  _____(_____) %>%
  _____(count = n()) %>%
encounters %>%
  group_by(DESCRIPTION) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
# A tibble: 50 × 2
   DESCRIPTION                                count
   <chr>                                      <int>
 1 General examination of patient (procedure) 14946
 2 Encounter for problem (procedure)           5196
 3 Encounter for check up (procedure)          4515
 4 Well child visit (procedure)                4144
 5 Encounter for symptom                       3929
 6 Prenatal visit                              2676
 7 Urgent care clinic (procedure)              2373
 8 Encounter for problem                       2291
 9 Follow-up encounter                         2282
10 Patient encounter procedure                 1624
# … with 40 more rows
encounters %>%
  count(DESCRIPTION) %>%
# A tibble: 50 × 2
   DESCRIPTION                                    n
   <chr>                                      <int>
 1 General examination of patient (procedure) 14946
 2 Encounter for problem (procedure)           5196
 3 Encounter for check up (procedure)          4515
 4 Well child visit (procedure)                4144
 5 Encounter for symptom                       3929
 6 Prenatal visit                              2676
 7 Urgent care clinic (procedure)              2373
 8 Encounter for problem                       2291
 9 Follow-up encounter                         2282
10 Patient encounter procedure                 1624
# … with 40 more rows
encounters %>%
# A tibble: 81 × 2
   REASONDESCRIPTION                               n
   <chr>                                       <int>
 1 <NA>                                        39569
 2 Normal pregnancy                             3779
 3 Hyperlipidemia                               2273
 4 Viral sinusitis (disorder)                   1378
 5 Acute viral pharyngitis (disorder)            691
 6 Acute bronchitis (disorder)                   690
 7 Chronic congestive heart failure (disorder)   620
 8 Malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder)       585
 9 Child attention deficit disorder              287
10 Sinusitis (disorder)                          265
# … with 71 more rows
encounter_description_reason <- encounters %>%

# A tibble: 137 × 3
   DESCRIPTION                                REASONDESCRIPTION              n
   <chr>                                      <chr>                      <int>
 1 General examination of patient (procedure) <NA>                       14946
 2 Encounter for problem (procedure)          <NA>                        5138
 3 Encounter for check up (procedure)         <NA>                        4515
 4 Well child visit (procedure)               <NA>                        4144
 5 Prenatal visit                             Normal pregnancy            2585
 6 Urgent care clinic (procedure)             <NA>                        2373
 7 Follow-up encounter                        Hyperlipidemia              2273
 8 Patient encounter procedure                <NA>                        1624
 9 Outpatient procedure                       <NA>                        1543
10 Encounter for symptom                      Viral sinusitis (disorder)  1378
# … with 127 more rows

9.1 Data Filtering

We want to count and find the patients who have come to the emergency department for a heart attack and came back to the ED for a heart attack within 30 days.

  1. How is a “heart attack” define in the data?
  2. What columns do we need to answer that question?
 [1] "Id"                  "START"               "STOP"               
 [4] "PATIENT"             "ORGANIZATION"        "PROVIDER"           
 [7] "PAYER"               "ENCOUNTERCLASS"      "CODE"               

Attaching package: 'janitor'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    chisq.test, fisher.test
encounters <- clean_names(encounters)
 [1] "id"                  "start"               "stop"               
 [4] "patient"             "organization"        "provider"           
 [7] "payer"               "encounterclass"      "code"               
[10] "description"         "base_encounter_cost" "total_claim_cost"   
[13] "payer_coverage"      "reasoncode"          "reasondescription"  
encounters %>%
  select(id, start, stop, patient, encounterclass, description, reasondescription)
# A tibble: 53,346 × 7
   id         start               stop                patient     encounterclass
   <chr>      <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
 1 d0c40d10-… 2010-01-23 17:45:28 2010-01-23 18:10:28 034e9e3b-2… ambulatory    
 2 e88bc3a9-… 2012-01-23 17:45:28 2012-01-23 18:00:28 034e9e3b-2… wellness      
 3 8f104aa7-… 2001-05-01 15:02:18 2001-05-01 15:17:18 1d604da9-9… ambulatory    
 4 b85c339a-… 2011-07-28 15:02:18 2011-07-28 15:17:18 1d604da9-9… wellness      
 5 dae2b7cb-… 2010-07-27 12:58:08 2010-07-27 13:28:08 10339b10-3… wellness      
 6 1e0d6b0e-… 2010-05-05 00:26:23 2010-05-05 01:11:23 8d4c4326-e… outpatient    
 7 6aa37300-… 2011-04-30 00:26:23 2011-04-30 01:03:23 8d4c4326-e… outpatient    
 8 9d35ec9f-… 2011-08-10 00:26:23 2011-08-10 00:41:23 8d4c4326-e… ambulatory    
 9 ae7555a9-… 2011-11-17 00:26:23 2011-11-17 00:41:23 8d4c4326-e… ambulatory    
10 7253a9f9-… 2012-04-24 00:26:23 2012-04-24 00:41:23 8d4c4326-e… outpatient    
# … with 53,336 more rows, and 2 more variables: description <chr>,
#   reasondescription <chr>
encounters_col_sub <- encounters %>%
  select(id:patient, encounterclass, description, reasondescription)
  1. Filter encounters by “heat attack”
encounters_col_sub %>%
  filter(description == "Cardiac Arrest" | description == "Myocardial Infarction")
# A tibble: 70 × 7
   id         start               stop                patient     encounterclass
   <chr>      <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
 1 2500b8bd-… 2001-07-04 08:42:44 2001-07-04 10:27:44 d49f748f-9… emergency     
 2 83cda5b1-… 2010-10-24 05:28:51 2010-10-24 07:13:51 e05dd037-e… emergency     
 3 7302a9ce-… 2017-06-04 11:11:47 2017-06-04 12:56:47 0f5646bc-a… emergency     
 4 7db01f61-… 1989-01-17 18:12:03 1989-01-17 19:57:03 44c8b4c8-4… emergency     
 5 e73fe5e1-… 1973-07-19 04:25:46 1973-07-19 06:10:46 89752052-a… emergency     
 6 4f1264b0-… 2017-07-13 04:42:48 2017-07-13 06:27:48 8d1ba4bb-7… emergency     
 7 00d8f4e4-… 2007-08-23 19:03:06 2007-08-23 20:48:06 87be3f66-1… emergency     
 8 1785e2e2-… 2010-03-28 05:41:47 2010-03-28 07:26:47 fcd3f564-6… emergency     
 9 f026c67b-… 1991-02-18 01:51:56 1991-02-18 03:36:56 47392cc2-4… emergency     
10 20083627-… 2017-03-21 09:16:22 2017-03-21 11:01:22 0447625b-b… emergency     
# … with 60 more rows, and 2 more variables: description <chr>,
#   reasondescription <chr>
# more robust and easier to change + read
mi_terms <- c("Cardiac Arrest", "Myocardial Infarction") %>%
[1] "cardiac arrest"        "myocardial infarction"
mi_encounters <- encounters_col_sub %>%
  filter(str_to_lower(description) %in% mi_terms)
# A tibble: 70 × 7
   id         start               stop                patient     encounterclass
   <chr>      <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
 1 2500b8bd-… 2001-07-04 08:42:44 2001-07-04 10:27:44 d49f748f-9… emergency     
 2 83cda5b1-… 2010-10-24 05:28:51 2010-10-24 07:13:51 e05dd037-e… emergency     
 3 7302a9ce-… 2017-06-04 11:11:47 2017-06-04 12:56:47 0f5646bc-a… emergency     
 4 7db01f61-… 1989-01-17 18:12:03 1989-01-17 19:57:03 44c8b4c8-4… emergency     
 5 e73fe5e1-… 1973-07-19 04:25:46 1973-07-19 06:10:46 89752052-a… emergency     
 6 4f1264b0-… 2017-07-13 04:42:48 2017-07-13 06:27:48 8d1ba4bb-7… emergency     
 7 00d8f4e4-… 2007-08-23 19:03:06 2007-08-23 20:48:06 87be3f66-1… emergency     
 8 1785e2e2-… 2010-03-28 05:41:47 2010-03-28 07:26:47 fcd3f564-6… emergency     
 9 f026c67b-… 1991-02-18 01:51:56 1991-02-18 03:36:56 47392cc2-4… emergency     
10 20083627-… 2017-03-21 09:16:22 2017-03-21 11:01:22 0447625b-b… emergency     
# … with 60 more rows, and 2 more variables: description <chr>,
#   reasondescription <chr>
  1. Count the number of patients to get number of “heart attack” encounters
mi_encounters %>%
  count(patient) %>%
# A tibble: 66 × 2
   patient                                  n
   <chr>                                <int>
 1 668ad49e-46d7-45ec-a4b4-dab0961d180b     2
 2 87f05059-de42-4630-a35b-edb53d880640     2
 3 ab41f97a-1f4a-4718-a760-1e112514f282     2
 4 fd1e9a6d-5b50-4a6f-bd61-c884ab89f5c6     2
 5 0325261f-61eb-46f8-acc6-89d15053fecd     1
 6 0447625b-b860-483c-9f30-17ed375b1493     1
 7 097f7be5-fdc1-42a8-b54b-65eb48c12cf1     1
 8 0e866809-bc7a-4014-850d-06228ed80226     1
 9 0f5646bc-a156-4ec0-9252-5b592e3d3184     1
10 1324aa93-d950-4796-b3f7-e1ab68c6505f     1
# … with 56 more rows
  1. We only want patients who have multiple ED “heart attack” encounters
mi_encounters %>%
  count(patient) %>%
  arrange(-n) %>%
  filter(n > 1)
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  patient                                  n
  <chr>                                <int>
1 668ad49e-46d7-45ec-a4b4-dab0961d180b     2
2 87f05059-de42-4630-a35b-edb53d880640     2
3 ab41f97a-1f4a-4718-a760-1e112514f282     2
4 fd1e9a6d-5b50-4a6f-bd61-c884ab89f5c6     2
pt_mi_repeat_ids <- mi_encounters %>%
  count(patient) %>%
  arrange(-n) %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
[1] "668ad49e-46d7-45ec-a4b4-dab0961d180b"
[2] "87f05059-de42-4630-a35b-edb53d880640"
[3] "ab41f97a-1f4a-4718-a760-1e112514f282"
[4] "fd1e9a6d-5b50-4a6f-bd61-c884ab89f5c6"
  1. Filter the encounters for patients of interest.
pt_encounter_mi <- encounters_col_sub %>%
  filter(patient %in% pt_mi_repeat_ids) %>%
  arrange(patient, start, stop)
# A tibble: 202 × 7
   id         start               stop                patient     encounterclass
   <chr>      <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
 1 285e294c-… 1968-07-13 06:05:07 1968-07-13 06:33:07 668ad49e-4… ambulatory    
 2 c36d13e7-… 1989-06-09 06:05:07 1989-06-09 06:35:07 668ad49e-4… wellness      
 3 10d57a1d-… 1990-04-19 06:05:07 1990-04-20 06:05:07 668ad49e-4… inpatient     
 4 419c46c6-… 1990-06-02 06:05:07 1990-06-03 06:20:07 668ad49e-4… inpatient     
 5 0387caf2-… 1991-05-30 06:05:07 1991-05-31 06:05:07 668ad49e-4… inpatient     
 6 67787de4-… 1992-06-12 06:05:07 1992-06-12 06:35:07 668ad49e-4… wellness      
 7 48ba5ae5-… 1993-06-12 06:05:07 1993-06-12 06:28:07 668ad49e-4… ambulatory    
 8 d8f837a8-… 1993-06-15 06:05:07 1993-06-16 06:05:07 668ad49e-4… inpatient     
 9 ec39566d-… 1994-06-24 06:05:07 1994-06-24 07:05:07 668ad49e-4… wellness      
10 e5cfefb3-… 1995-06-30 06:05:07 1995-06-30 07:05:07 668ad49e-4… wellness      
# … with 192 more rows, and 2 more variables: description <chr>,
#   reasondescription <chr>
  1. Only care about the “heart attack” events.

There’s 2 ways you might think of doing this.

7a. Filter on “emergency” and “urgentcare” encounterclass

pt_encounter_mi %>% distinct(encounterclass)
# A tibble: 6 × 1
1 ambulatory    
2 wellness      
3 inpatient     
4 outpatient    
5 emergency     
6 urgentcare    
pt_encounter_mi %>%
  filter(encounterclass == "emergency" | encounterclass == "urgentcare")
# A tibble: 19 × 7
   id         start               stop                patient     encounterclass
   <chr>      <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
 1 f02c2037-… 2011-01-21 06:05:07 2011-01-21 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
 2 c78320a8-… 2011-08-23 06:05:07 2011-08-23 07:05:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
 3 850ebf9e-… 2011-11-18 06:05:07 2011-11-18 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
 4 320b5634-… 2014-04-04 06:05:07 2014-04-04 06:20:07 668ad49e-4… urgentcare    
 5 dd9d580e-… 2014-10-10 06:05:07 2014-10-10 06:20:07 668ad49e-4… urgentcare    
 6 ca904b1c-… 2017-03-03 06:05:07 2017-03-03 06:20:07 668ad49e-4… urgentcare    
 7 ed591b20-… 2017-03-10 06:05:07 2017-03-10 06:20:07 668ad49e-4… urgentcare    
 8 4789cea7-… 2018-05-12 06:05:07 2018-05-12 07:05:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
 9 518e3e52-… 2019-09-13 06:05:07 2019-09-13 07:05:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
10 231bb53a-… 1955-02-01 13:04:22 1955-02-01 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
11 e850908f-… 1977-07-19 13:04:22 1977-07-19 13:19:22 87f05059-d… urgentcare    
12 60590a6f-… 1983-07-05 13:04:22 1983-07-05 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
13 10b38a65-… 2005-10-23 10:35:20 2005-10-23 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
14 2296e323-… 2012-02-12 10:35:20 2012-02-12 10:50:20 ab41f97a-1… urgentcare    
15 da7fc65c-… 2013-04-07 10:35:20 2013-04-07 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
16 6268d9e4-… 1957-05-25 20:06:53 1957-05-25 21:06:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
17 0564a9a0-… 1961-05-27 20:06:53 1961-05-27 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
18 820a33ac-… 1965-12-11 20:06:53 1965-12-11 20:21:53 fd1e9a6d-5… urgentcare    
19 a01ee256-… 1967-01-07 20:06:53 1967-01-07 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
# … with 2 more variables: description <chr>, reasondescription <chr>

7b. Filter description on our “heart attack” terms.

[1] "cardiac arrest"        "myocardial infarction"
pt_enconter_mi_only <- pt_encounter_mi %>%
  filter(str_to_lower(description) %in% mi_terms)
# A tibble: 8 × 7
  id          start               stop                patient     encounterclass
  <chr>       <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
1 f02c2037-b… 2011-01-21 06:05:07 2011-01-21 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
2 850ebf9e-0… 2011-11-18 06:05:07 2011-11-18 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
3 231bb53a-7… 1955-02-01 13:04:22 1955-02-01 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
4 60590a6f-2… 1983-07-05 13:04:22 1983-07-05 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
5 10b38a65-e… 2005-10-23 10:35:20 2005-10-23 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
6 da7fc65c-b… 2013-04-07 10:35:20 2013-04-07 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
7 0564a9a0-b… 1961-05-27 20:06:53 1961-05-27 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
8 a01ee256-3… 1967-01-07 20:06:53 1967-01-07 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
# … with 2 more variables: description <chr>, reasondescription <chr>

9.2 Working with dates


“today” is the date the Synthea data was generated.

[1] "2020-04-28"

9.2.1 Converting to datetime objects

pt_enconter_mi_only %>%
  mutate(stop_dt = ymd_hms(stop),
         start_dt = ymd_hms(start))
# A tibble: 8 × 9
  id          start               stop                patient     encounterclass
  <chr>       <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         
1 f02c2037-b… 2011-01-21 06:05:07 2011-01-21 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
2 850ebf9e-0… 2011-11-18 06:05:07 2011-11-18 07:50:07 668ad49e-4… emergency     
3 231bb53a-7… 1955-02-01 13:04:22 1955-02-01 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
4 60590a6f-2… 1983-07-05 13:04:22 1983-07-05 14:49:22 87f05059-d… emergency     
5 10b38a65-e… 2005-10-23 10:35:20 2005-10-23 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
6 da7fc65c-b… 2013-04-07 10:35:20 2013-04-07 12:20:20 ab41f97a-1… emergency     
7 0564a9a0-b… 1961-05-27 20:06:53 1961-05-27 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
8 a01ee256-3… 1967-01-07 20:06:53 1967-01-07 21:51:53 fd1e9a6d-5… emergency     
# … with 4 more variables: description <chr>, reasondescription <chr>,
#   stop_dt <dttm>, start_dt <dttm>

9.2.2 Datetime calculations

  1. Calculate time of ED visits.
pt_enconter_mi_only %>%
  mutate(stop_dt = ymd_hms(stop),
         start_dt = ymd_hms(start)) %>%
  select(-start, -stop) %>%
  mutate(entounter_length = stop_dt - start_dt)
# A tibble: 8 × 8
  id     patient encounterclass description reasondescripti… stop_dt            
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>       <chr>            <dttm>             
1 f02c2… 668ad4… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             2011-01-21 07:50:07
2 850eb… 668ad4… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2011-11-18 07:50:07
3 231bb… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1955-02-01 14:49:22
4 60590… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1983-07-05 14:49:22
5 10b38… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2005-10-23 12:20:20
6 da7fc… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2013-04-07 12:20:20
7 0564a… fd1e9a… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1961-05-27 21:51:53
8 a01ee… fd1e9a… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             1967-01-07 21:51:53
# … with 2 more variables: start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>

9.2.3 Lead and lag time

  1. Calculate time between ED visits.

Keep in mind if you are going to a lead or a lag.

pt_enconter_mi_only %>%
  mutate(stop_dt = ymd_hms(stop),
         start_dt = ymd_hms(start)) %>%
  select(-start, -stop) %>%
  mutate(entounter_length = stop_dt - start_dt,
         next_encounter_start = lead(start_dt),
         next_encounter_time = next_encounter_start - stop_dt)
# A tibble: 8 × 10
  id     patient encounterclass description reasondescripti… stop_dt            
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>       <chr>            <dttm>             
1 f02c2… 668ad4… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             2011-01-21 07:50:07
2 850eb… 668ad4… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2011-11-18 07:50:07
3 231bb… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1955-02-01 14:49:22
4 60590… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1983-07-05 14:49:22
5 10b38… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2005-10-23 12:20:20
6 da7fc… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2013-04-07 12:20:20
7 0564a… fd1e9a… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1961-05-27 21:51:53
8 a01ee… fd1e9a… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             1967-01-07 21:51:53
# … with 4 more variables: start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>,
#   next_encounter_start <dttm>, next_encounter_time <drtn>

9.3 Grouped column mutations

We want the calculations to happen for each patient separately.

pt_enconter_mi_only <- pt_enconter_mi_only %>%
  mutate(stop_dt = ymd_hms(stop),
         start_dt = ymd_hms(start)) %>%
  select(-start, -stop) %>%
  mutate(entounter_length = stop_dt - start_dt)
mi_reencounter <- pt_enconter_mi_only %>%
  group_by(patient) %>%
  mutate(next_encounter_start = lead(start_dt),
         next_encounter_time = next_encounter_start - stop_dt) %>%
# A tibble: 8 × 10
  id     patient encounterclass description reasondescripti… stop_dt            
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>       <chr>            <dttm>             
1 f02c2… 668ad4… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             2011-01-21 07:50:07
2 850eb… 668ad4… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2011-11-18 07:50:07
3 231bb… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1955-02-01 14:49:22
4 60590… 87f050… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1983-07-05 14:49:22
5 10b38… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2005-10-23 12:20:20
6 da7fc… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2013-04-07 12:20:20
7 0564a… fd1e9a… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1961-05-27 21:51:53
8 a01ee… fd1e9a… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             1967-01-07 21:51:53
# … with 4 more variables: start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>,
#   next_encounter_start <dttm>, next_encounter_time <drtn>

9.4 Find 30-day readmittance

mi_reencounter %>%
  filter(next_encounter_time < 30)
# A tibble: 0 × 10
# … with 10 variables: id <chr>, patient <chr>, encounterclass <chr>,
#   description <chr>, reasondescription <chr>, stop_dt <dttm>,
#   start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>, next_encounter_start <dttm>,
#   next_encounter_time <drtn>

5 years:

mi_reencounter %>%
  filter(next_encounter_time < 365.25 * 5)
# A tibble: 1 × 10
  id     patient encounterclass description reasondescripti… stop_dt            
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>       <chr>            <dttm>             
1 f02c2… 668ad4… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             2011-01-21 07:50:07
# … with 4 more variables: start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>,
#   next_encounter_start <dttm>, next_encounter_time <drtn>

10 years

mi_reencounter %>%
  filter(next_encounter_time < 365.25 * 10)
# A tibble: 3 × 10
  id     patient encounterclass description reasondescripti… stop_dt            
  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>       <chr>            <dttm>             
1 f02c2… 668ad4… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             2011-01-21 07:50:07
2 10b38… ab41f9… emergency      Cardiac Ar… <NA>             2005-10-23 12:20:20
3 0564a… fd1e9a… emergency      Myocardial… <NA>             1961-05-27 21:51:53
# … with 4 more variables: start_dt <dttm>, entounter_length <drtn>,
#   next_encounter_start <dttm>, next_encounter_time <drtn>